brazen dropouts Bike Swap 2026
Save the DATE: Saturday, January 17th, 2026
alliant energy center, new holland pavilion
The below information is all from 2025. The 2026 Bike Swap will kick off around November, 2025!
Vendor Table Assignments:
About the Swap
The Brazen Dropouts Bike Swap is a one-day event held annually in January in Madison, WI that connects folks with bike stuff to sell with people who want to buy it. Over 150 vendors register to sell stuff like cycling attire, shoes, frames, forks, cranks, pedals -- you name it, it's probably at the Swap.
The Swap typically brings approximately 1000 general attendees from WI and the surrounding states! The exact vendors vary from year to year, but it's a good bet that you'll find some spectacular deals, and meet a bunch of great people. Additionally, a number of non-profit bicycle advocacy groups attend the Swap - so even if you don’t buy anything, you can learn about some great events and organizations! Brazen Dropouts don’t take any commission on any sale.
If you represent a non-profit, please get in touch with us at to inquire about spaces we have available to you.
questions? CONTACT US
general admission
New for 2025: the Swap hours will be 10 AM to 2 PM! The slightly later start gives us a little more time for us and our out of town vendors to set up in the morning.
Early bird gets the worm at the Swap! Arrive earlier in the day to get the best pick of bikes and things. Admission costs drop off throughput the day as the pickings get slimmer. No need to buy a ticket ahead of time, just show up on the Saturday of the Swap at the Alliant Center with a form of payment. Either cash or card work!
Hourly raffles & door prizes
Our gracious sponsors have provided items for hourly raffles - each general admission entry and each purchased vendor space will receive one raffle ticket for free (further raffle tickets can’t be purchased).
Admission rates
10am-11AM - $10
11am-12pm - $5
12pm-2pm - free
parking at alliant -$8 all day
Register as a Vendor to secure space at the Bike Swap to sell your bikes and bike-related things. Read below for descriptions and pricing on the 3 types of spaces available to you. Each type of space comes with a few wristbands that cover general admission, so pick your best salesman friends and bring them along! Just want to sell a complete bike and nothing else? see Bike Corral information below.
Table spaces include proximately 5' x 10' with one 8' table and two chairs. These are the most numerous vendor space option, with 150 available. You can register as many tables as you'd like, we’ll arrange them consecutively.
Row-end spaces, located at the ends of each vendor table row, provide 10' x 10' and allow you to create your own set-up. No table or chairs are included, but vendors can bring anything they want to set-up their space. There are only 22 row-end spaces available, and they always sell out, so sign-up early.
Expo spaces comprise a larger footprint, providing 10' x 20' of space. They are situated front and center at the venue. These spaces are designed to allow free-form presentation. Vendors typically arrange tents, bring their own fixtures, or assemble a pop-up shop to complement the 2 tables and 6 chairs provided. Anything goes!
vendor space rates
table - $70 - includes 5x10’ of space, 1 table, 2 chairs, 3 wristbands for admission
row-end space - $90 - includes 10x10' of space, free-form, 3 wristbands
expo space - $200 - includes 10x20’ of space, 2 tables, 4 chairs, 6 wristbands
bike corral information
Vendors and non-vendors alike can sell bikes at the Bike Corral, see pricing info below. No pre-registration is required, simply bring your bikes and a form of payment to the Swap and connect with a Bike Corral volunteer to have your bike listed.
Please print & fill out the Bike Corral form (linked below) BEFORE you arrive to save time - we’ll attach it to your bike and make sure that any interested buyers get in touch with you directly while you shop the Swap. Non-vendor bike sellers may enter the main entrance of the building starting at 10am to get your bike into the corral and get a general admission wristband.
bike corral Rates
vendors - first bike free, $5 thereafter
non-vendors - First bike $10, $5 thereafter
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can sell stuff at the Swap?
Anyone! Our vendors run the gamut from folks who have too many bike components on their workbench to long-standing bike shops and cycling brands. We don't do any curation of vendors aside from encouraging past vendors from returning to the Swap and spreading the word about the Swap, so the mix is fresh every year.
Anyone! No need to bring anything to ‘swap’. General attendees will pay admission as listed above. There tends to be many transactions between vendors as well. Anyone can enter bikes in the corral also. See above for those details.
What Can I find at the Bike swap?
As mentioned above, the vendors at the Swap change from year to year, so it's impossible to nail down exactly what's available. However, it's a good bet that you'll find some great deals on just about anything cycling. We get all sorts of complete bikes, frames, forks, components, wheels, tools, clothes, accessories, even art.
How do I pay for stuff at the swap?
Most sellers will prefer cash for purchases, and will rarely ever accept a check. Some vendors may have Venmo, PayPal, or other services set-up on their mobile devices. An ATM is available on-site, but isn’t guaranteed to be stocked with the cash you’ll need. For general admission and corral entries, the Brazen Dropouts prefer cash, but will also have credit card readers for general admission and entering bikes in the corral.
Is there food at the Swap?
The Alliant Energy Concessions stand will be open. They are cashless, meaning you will need to pay with a card.
Send us an email ( or ask us on Instagram