Join bd — Brazen Dropouts

We welcome new members at any time of the year

Fill out the form below to let us know that you’re interested in joining. Our Membership Coordinator, Dylan Ogle, will get back to you soon. You can also email Dylan directly here.

If you would prefer to test out a team ride first, join our community ride list by sending an email here: This listserve is used by BD and community members to advertise group rides in the Madison area.

If you are interested in our Juniors program, check out our Juniors page.

what does the team do?

The Dropouts partake in many local and regional events including Wisconsin Cycling Association (WCA) road and cyclocross racing, Tour of America's Dairyland (ToAD), and Wisconin Off-road Series (WORS) mountain bike racing. We also bum around town and eat donuts, and explore the beautiful, rolling terrain that Wisconsin has to offer.  

We host several events per year as a team: the New Glarus Road Race, the Sun Prairie Cyclocross race, practice criteriums, and the State Road Championships (co-hosted).  

We also host the Bike Swap, a community-staple buy/sell/trade expo every January.  Although we expect members to volunteer some of their time as we host these events and pay a small annual membership fee, there are many great benefits of being a Dropout including race fee reimbursements, sponsor discounts, and subsidized clothing because of our awesome sponsors, team connections, and overall teamwork.

what is required of a team member?

Being a Brazen Dropout is what you make of it — we have team members who join BD for the motivation and camaraderie of racing with a team, and members who join just to meet some new people in Madison. There is a wide range of participation, and nothing except volunteering at a few events a year is required.

We welcome everyone who is interested in riding a bike. If you’re here to race, you will certainly find folks to race against. If you’re here for something more casual, we‘ve got that too.

fill out this form to hear back from our membership coordinator: