Gear Library

Last updated March 2025

What is The Gear Library?

The BD Gear Library is a collection of stuff owned by the team that you might want to use, but you don't want to buy. It’s stored at Machinery Row.

Why do we have A Gear Library?

It started when a few folks expressed interest in things that they weren’t sure they wanted to fully invest in: some members were curious about filming races with GoPros, and some members were curious about bikepacking. The team has the resources to help out here, so we started a small Gear Library to enable people try out these things without having to spend a bunch of money up front!

What's in the Gear Library:

Camera gear:

  • 1 x GoPro Hero 10 Black

  • 1 x GoPro Hero 11 Black Mini

  • 2 x 128 GB SD cards

  • 1 x SD card reader

  • 1 x handlebar mount

  • 1 x tripod/grip handle

  • 1 x saddle mount

Bikepacking gear:

  • 2 x 15L saddlepacks for bikepacking

  • 2 x handlebar bags for adventure rides or bikepacking

Other Gear:

  • Topeak digital tire pressure monitor

How DOES IT work?

Machinery Row has offered a space for us to put a lockbox in their shop. We'll have a box (locked with a combination lock) that we lock in a cabinet by the shoes. This will make it easy to get something that you want to borrow; instead of coordinating with a BD to meet up and get the gear, you can just pop into Machinery Row during their business hours to get/return the gear.

Check out procedure:

  1. Reserve the time you want the gear HERE

  2. Go to Machinery Row to get the gear from the lockbox

  3. Send a message to the #gear-library Slack channel saying you’re checking it out (a picture of yourself with the gear is optional and also encouraged). This is how everyone will know you have the gear.

  4. Have fun!

Check in procedure:

  1. Clean the gear if necessary

  2. Go to Machinery Row and put the gear back in the lockbox

  3. Take a picture of the gear back in the lockbox and send it to the #gear-library Slack channel. This is how everyone knows that the gear is returned in good condition.

Anyone can stop by MR to verify that the contents of the gear library match the calendar (aka nothing is missing unexpectedly). Exec committee members will make a point to do this periodically.


What if the gear goes missing?

We'll follow up with the last person who checked it out. If they returned it, we'll check with Machinery Row to see if they can determine if anyone walked out with it. We'll also mark all the gear with a prominent "BD", so it should be pretty obvious if someone is walking around with gear that belongs to us.

We'll periodically change the code on the combination lock as well.

What is the code on the combination lock?

We will email out the code when it changes; we’re keeping it off the Slack and the website for security reasons. If you need the code and can’t find it in your email, email someone on the Exec Committee or DM them on Slack!

What if I borrow something and lose it/damage it?

This is the team's gear, so you should replace it. Depending on the circumstances, we may be able to work something out other than a full price replacement (e.g. GoPro will replace a broken camera for $100)

What about a bike case for flying my bike?

It would definitely be cool to have a bike bag or two available for the team, but they're really bulky, and we wouldn't have a place to store them at Machinery Row. If you need a bike case, send a message to the #gear-library channel (or an email to the team) asking to borrow one; several BDs have them, so you'll likely be able to get one!

How do we add more gear to the library?

We're intentionally starting small, and each year's exec committee can evaluate whether they want to expand the gear library. If there's a lot of demand for something, we can always add it!

If you have something you want to donate to the library, that's awesome! Give a heads up in the Slack and drop it off!

Don't we have a trailer somewhere?

That we do, but it's parked in rural Cottage Grove. If you want to borrow a dumb trainer from the trailer, feel free! Reach out to the president, and they will let you know where it is and how to get into it.

What if someone is hogging the gear I want?

We're a small, sociable group, so we'll figure it out. Generally, we'll go first-come first-serve based on the Google calendar, but we’re trusting that everyone on the team is reasonable.